Monday, July 8, 2013

Secret Garden

I have always been intrigued by the secret garden.  You know the little bit of color on a garden gate that you might get a glimpse of while on an early morning walk. The kind of place that makes you want to take a closer look.  To take a peek and see what is on the other side. 

It recently occurred to me that many of my friendships have started in much the same way.

K is one of those amazing people. When I met her she was working a busy sidewalk flower shop that  had the most beautiful buckets of flowers on view. I know you say,  really?  Plain and simple, all flowers are always beautiful.  But no, these were a car stopping profusion of color that made you pull over to see what was going on.  I hopped out of the car and before I knew it this blond haired young woman was pulling flowers with a frenzy from every bucket in the shop. She presented me with this glorious bouquet all tied up with a pretty pink bow. 

That is a true gift. A willingness to pair different elements, whether flowers or people to a new and unique outcome. She has been that to me, encouraging me to dabble in art, to look beyond the borders of my life.  Without her influence this blog would have been another flower that just withered away.

In this ever so busy world, with so much going on at home and in your life, I hope you will take time to notice your secret garden. To make friendships that bloom. 

Listening can come from the most unlikely places.  

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